Top 10 Whisky based Cocktails

By Ankit Kumar May 26, 2023


1. The Blood & Sand

White Frame Corner

Whisky cocktail for haters: Blood & Sand. Whisky, cherry brandy, sweet vermouth, orange juice. Shake, pour in coupe glass, add orange twist.

White Frame Corner

2. The Hot Toddy

White Frame Corner

Classic mid-Victorian whisky drink, called Todd, made with whisky, honey, lemon and boiling water - jazz up with spices. Now used as remedy.

White Frame Corner

3. The Manhattan

White Frame Corner

Manhattan cocktail origin uncertain; O. H. Byron's 1884 recipe popularized it using American rye whiskey, garnished with lemon twist.

White Frame Corner

4. The Mint Julep

White Frame Corner

An iconic American cocktail associated with Kentucky Derby for over 80 years. Made with fresh mint, bourbon, sugar, and bitters, served over crushed ice.

White Frame Corner

5. The Old Fashioned

White Frame Corner

Original whisky cocktail dated 1806; made with sugar cube soaked in bitters, rye or bourbon whisky, ice, stirring. Garnish with orange zest.

White Frame Corner

6. The Penicillin

White Frame Corner

A modern cocktail classic made with two Scotches, ginger liqueur, lemon juice, and honey syrup. Rich, smoky, and spicy. Garnish with ginger.

White Frame Corner

7. The Rob Roy

White Frame Corner

Manhattan's cousin, Rob Roy, a sweet Scotch cocktail created in 1894 at the Waldorf-Astoria. Sweet vermouth and bitters mix with Scotch.

White Frame Corner

8. The Rusty Nail

White Frame Corner

Simple Scotch whisky cocktail with Drambuie liqueur, popularized by the Rat Pack in 1950s-60s NYC. Combine 3 parts whisky with 1 part Drambuie over ice.

White Frame Corner

9. The Sazerac

White Frame Corner

Sazerac cocktail originated in New Orleans in 1873. It was made with Rye whiskey due to phylloxera that hit the Cognac industry.

White Frame Corner

10. The Whisky Sour

White Frame Corner

Whisky Sour: Bourbon, lemon, egg white & sugar mixed and served over ice; evolved from rum-based Punch to prevent sailors' scurvy, still enjoyed today.

White Frame Corner

Top 10 Whisky brands in India