Mini Garden Inside The House

1. Create an Herb Collection

A container garden of fresh herbs’ purpose is two-fold. It’s a little burst of green on your kitchen window sill, and it’s also a mini selection you can browse through while cooking

2. Try a Living Wall

These framed works of art can include lichens, mosses, succulents and other plant-like specimens. When placed on a wall, it’s like a small portal into a little green world.

3. Fill Window Sills With Plant Life

Sills are a tough thing to decorate without the end result looking cluttered. Plants are an easy fix for this, though

4. Style a Jungle Corner

The empty corners around a home often do well with a mini jungle. Vibrant plants of different heights

5. Bring Potted Plants Indoors

Those large cement, ceramic and terracotta planters that often grace outdoor areas can be brought inside to serve as unique sculptural accents around the home

6. Choose a Plant Type or Theme

Love the desert? Wild about ferns? Obsessed with blooming plants? Pick a certain family of plants or a theme you like, and dedicate an area to bringing this look to life..

7. Add Plants to an Unsuspecting Room

Indoor gardens are typically seen in living rooms and kitchens, but more rooms in the house can benefit from a collection. Bathrooms

8. Decorate with Trailing and Climbing Plants

The long vines of creeping, trailing and climbing plants tend to create decor within themselves as they crawl up walls and around windows or across surfaces

9. Enjoy a Desktop Garden

Move pens, sticky notes and other office supplies to a drawer, and use the remaining desktop area for a miniature garden

10. Create a Plant Accent Wall

An accent wall is different from a living wall because these plants are potted separately and they hang from different containers rather than share one frame or planter

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