13 Small Balcony Garden Ideas

Frame your plants on the wall

Small balcony brings you the opportunity to highlight every prospect of the space. So bug the wall mounted planters that look like frames

Wooden planter coverings for your plants

You need to maintain a statement while decorating your balcony garden. Add any type of planter you wish to plant your shrubs. But cover them up with a wooden planter thereafter

Floral small balcony garden ideas

If you want a vibrant look in your garden, flowering plants are your easiest way out. Nothing more colorful than nature's own colors

Add plants in a row 

Add planters in your railing in a crisscross row. Keep equal space in between intervals. Keep a symmetry of plant species type in each row

Add low maintenance creepers

Adding plants into your garden when you do not have time to maintain them is foolishness. Add plants that are low maintenance like the creepers. For example: money plant

A spiritual garden for your balcony

Spirituality completes a home. We recommend you to add plants like holy basil, hibiscus, etc, to make your Vastu auspicious

Extend your balcony railing

To have a garden without hampering the main area, extend your railing. Make holes on the railing to hang your planters. Choose a sturdy material that can bear the weight

Utilize your balcony wall

Without blocking the walking area, you can have a balcony garden. Make a lattice stand on your balcony wall. Add your planters on the gaps

Add comfortable seating in your balcony

The main criterion of small balcony garden ideas is not only having plants but also having comfortable seating space

A kitchen garden on your balcony

Do you want freshly plucked vegetables for your meals? Adding a kitchen garden on your balcony is your solution

Have bushy plants 

If your space is small but you want to have a dense garden look: have some bushy plants. You can also add flowering plants separately for additional colors later. But the bush is the key

Stone surface for the rock garden feel

Only adding plants would not help to make your balcony look like a garden. Adding elements like stone pebbles to the surface will complete that look. It will give a cozy look to the space

Add ceramic pots for that traditional look

The design and decor of your balcony will have the traditional gaze with ceramic pots. Add different colors of ceramic pots with shrubs in it

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