11 Kitchen Window Designs For Your Home

Serving Hatch Window

If you are someone who loves outdoor entertaining and would like an easy transition from kitchen to your outdoor entertaining area then this lift-up hatch kitchen window design is perfec

Clerestory Windows

Windows that are above head height are closer to the roof and they allow light to stream into the kitchen, without compromising privacy

Open Up with Bi-fold Windows

Bi-fold windows are perfect for homes with a garden terrace  or patio out on the exterior. They are worth considering if you want to optimise on natural light

Kitchen Window Seat 

One way to get people to notice your kitchen window design is by turning it into a window seat so guests and family can enjoy this corner in the room

Awning Windows

This small kitchen window design is particularly suited to apartment kitchens especially if you want to create the illusion of space

Skylight Windows

Skylights are extremely flexible since they come in all shapes and sizes. These windows can influence the amount of light that connects the inside to the outside

Floor to Ceiling Windows

If you have a large kitchen then this kitchen window design is perfect for you. Their almost door-like appearance allows natural light into the room and makes the space appear even bigger

Stained Glass and Patterned Glass Windows

Looking for something unique and elegant to amplify the aesthetics of your kitchen? Try adding stained glass windows with unique patterns in your kitchen for an elevated charm and appearance

Shutters or Blind Windows

Shutters and blind windows create a traditional look in your kitchen. Shutters help to block out direct sunlight while still allowing light into your room and can be closed or opened as desired

Sliding Windows

Sliding windows are a modern and sleek addition to your kitchen and allow a good air flow. With sliding windows, it is possible to adjust the opening and control the amount of air that you allow into your kitchen

Sink Windows

A window above the kitchen sink is a great idea. Not only does this kitchen window design allow the flow of natural light and fresh air, but it provides a view of the outdoors while you do your dishes

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